As parents, sometimes we have to have tricky conversations with our kids. For example, when they come home from school, beaming, holding out a colourful piece of paper and we have to figure out what on earth they have created.
"A drawing? I love it! What a Giraffe? Oh, it's an elephant? Of course, now I see it! I love this elephant; it is going right up on the fridge."
Of course, we cherish our children's artwork, but it is the pride on our child's face as we hang up her latest creation that is truly priceless.
Sadly, Arts Education is in danger of becoming extinct in classrooms, even as lots of theories about its benefits are being bandied about by experts. There is research, for example, that participation in drama might increase literacy, that music improves visual-spatial reasoning in our kids, and much, much more. But these studies often come rife with flaws, making it easy for detractors to pick apart the results.
So why don't we flip the script a bit? Instead of focusing solely on the academic benefits of Arts Education, let's focus on art for the sake of art.
Here are 51 ways that the arts benefit our kids, including how it positively affects their outlook on life, society, and themselves.

By keeping art in our schools, we give our kids the gift of individuality. Of creativity. Of exploration, invention, bravery, self-respect, cooperation, collaboration, and so much more!
As we celebrate National Arts in Education Week, let's all agree that, based on their own merits, the arts have earned their spot in our schools just as your child's Dogaffephant creation has earned a spot on your fridge.
Written by Neve Spencer
September 15, 2018 — admin