
You can't just buy a pair of shoes for your child and expect them fit, we've all been there! The same size in two brands differs wildly. You need to make sure you're getting the right fit, or else they won't be able to wear their new kicks for long.

The first thing you should know about kids' feet is that they grow... quickly! So it's important that your child has room in their shoes for growth, we would never recommend sizing up in kids' shoes, but having the appropriate amount of growing room is key. Wearing shoes that are too big can cause a number of problems for their young feet. Find your nearest (independent) shoe shop who offer a fitting service and get your child measured. 

Another thing: don't forget about socks! Socks help keep feet warm and dry, which makes them more comfortable overall when wearing shoes all day long outdoors during winter months when temperatures drop below freezing point outside (or even above). They also allow for an extra layer of protection for the delicate skin on their feet. And YES we would even recommend this with sandals :)

Foot Measurements

  • How to measure your child's foot:

  • Measure the length of the foot from the heel to the longest toe, then add 0.6 cm. This is your child's true size. This isn't an exact science but quite helpful if you don't have a gauge. 

  • When to measure:

    • Measure your child's feet whenever you buy them new shoes. This will ensure that they get a good fit and help prevent blisters and other problems caused by ill-fitting footwear. 

    • We always offer a fitting card so you don't have to work out appointment times or remember sizes.  

Here's a standard measuring schedule for your child*:

Pre-walker stage (approximately 9 months - 15 months) - every 8 weeks

First steps (approximately 12 months - 18 months) - every 10 weeks

Pre-school (approximately 18 months - 3 years) - every 3 months

Kids 4+ - every 5 months

*unless you have noticed anything of concern. 


You'll find that most shoe size charts have the same basic information. The first thing you'll see is a line of numbers, followed by columns labelled "EU." These refer to the length of your child's foot in inches and centimetres respectively. If you're buying shoes online, it's important to know that these measurements are not always accurate and may even be off by as much as a few centimetres!

That's why it's so important to try on shoes before purchasing them (or at least get a feel for how they fit). 

Most European shoe brands fit to a standard width but most people in the UK will be familiar with the metrics F and G to denote width. F being standard narrow and G being standard wide.

Growth Spurts

As your child grows, their feet will grow as well, not always in synchronisation or predictably when the rest of their bodies do.  But when their little feet grow, this can cause shoes that fitted perfectly one day to be too small the next. To help avoid this problem, it's important to keep an eye on your child's shoe size and make sure they're always wearing shoes that fit properly. Just pop in to your nearest kids' shoe shop for any help you need!

The best way to determine whether or not a pair of shoes are too small or too big is by measuring their feet regularly (see our schedule above). 

A neat tip is to see if the inner sole can be easily removed and see the map of your child's feet, this will likely show if their toes are at the end of their shoes. 


There are many different materials that can be used to make kids shoes. The most common materials include leather, canvas and rubber.

The material you choose for your child's shoes will depend on how durable they need to be and how much comfort they need from their footwear. Here are some key features of the materials you'll see on offer:

Leather:  Water resistant, breathable, heat-insulating, stretchy, tearproof and abrasion-resistant and robust, making the shoe more stable and functional.

Canvas: comfortable, lightweight, easy to clean, cheaper, vegan (in most cases)

Rubber: Durable, waterproof, cheaper than leather


We are endlessly proud of the brands we stock. At Acorn & Pip the shoe shop you'll find Camper, Bobux, Start Rite, Ricosta - Pepino, Petasil, Angulus, Igor, Froddo, Grass & Air, Saltwater Sandals, Toe Zone & more!


For more information on any of our shoes, sizing and service please see here or call us on 01484847968

April 24, 2023 — Holly Whyatt-Brady